Principals Message

The concept of starting a Public Teacher Training College was first mooted in 2013. Lugari community was keen on having a Teacher Training College started in the sub county. It was largely felt that the establishment of the College other than assisting students from all over Kenya would encourage students from the Secondary and Primary schools within the Constituency/County to uplift their performance, and also stir economic growth in the region. It was an initiative of the Community through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) and Ministry of Education. It is managed by a Substantive Board of Management appointed by the Cabinet Secretary – Ministry of Education. The College was cleared by The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) and received its first batch of students in September 2015/2016 Academic Year. Initial Officers included the first Principal Mrs. Anne Esese and the Deputy Principal Mr. Joseph Ngecho. They were later joined by other Lecturers. Everyone is welcome at Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College. Call, visit, explore and have a look at the courses offered and find out if we have a programme suited for you or your loved ones.
Thank you.
Anne A. Esese (Mrs.)